Exercise 6,7,8,9:simple present and present progressive,simple past and past Progressive,Present perfect and simple past,past perfect and simple past

Exercise 6:Simple Present and Present Progressive

Choose either the simple present or present progressive in the following sentences.

1.something smells (smell) very good

2.we are eating  (eat) dinner at seven o’clock this tonight.

3.He Practices (practice)the piano every day.

4.They are driving (drive)To school tomorrow.

5.I believe (believe) you until

6.Maria has  having (have) cold now

7.Jorge is swimming  (swim) at right now.

8.John hates (hate) smoke.

9.Jill always gets  (get) up at 6:00 A.M.

10.Jerry is mowing  (mow) The lawn now.


1.simple present( stative verb)

2.present progressive (future time)

3.Simple present (stative action)

4.Simple present ( stative action)

5.simple present ( stative verb)

6.simple presnt (stative verb)

7.Present progressive (Present time)

8. Present progressive (Present time)

9. Present progressive (Present time)

10. Present progressive (Present time)


Exercise 7;Simple Past tense and Past Progressive

choose either the simple past tense or the past progressive in the following sentences as appropriate.

1.Gene was  eating (eat) dinner when his friend called.(Past progressive)

2.While Maria was cleaning the apartment, her husband was sleeping (sleep) (Past progressive)

3.at three o’clock this morning, Eleanor was studying (study) (Past progressive)

4.When Mark arrived, the johnsons were having (have)  dinner, but they stopped in order to talk to   him.(simple past)

5.john  went (go) to france last year.(Past progressive)

6.When the teacher was entered (enter) the room, the students were talking.(simple past)

7.While john was writing the report, Henry was looking (look) for more information.(Past progressive)

8.We saw (see)  this movie last night.(Past Progressive)

9.At one time, Mr. Roberts was owning (own) this building.(simple past)

10. Jose was writing  (write) a letter to his family when his pencil is breaking (break).(Past progressive)


Exercise 8:Present perfect and Simple past

Use either the Present perfect or simple past in the following sentences

1.John has writen  (write) his report last night.(Present perfect)

2.Bob has see this movie before.(simple past)

3.Jorge has already, read the newspaper.(Present perfect)

4.Mr.Johnson has worked (work)in the same place for thirty-five years and he is not planning to retire yet.(simple past)

5.we haven’t begun to study for the test yet.(simple past)

6.George has went (go) to the store at ten o’clock this morning.(simple past)

7.Joan is traveling (travel) around the world.(simple past)

8.Betty has written (write) a letter last night.(simple past)

9.Guilermo has called (call) his employer yesterday.(simple past)

10.we haven’t seen (see) this movie yet.(simple past)


Exercise 9;Past perfect and simple past

Supply  the past perfect or simple past in the following sentences.

1.The policeman  read the suspect his right after he had arrested (arrest) him.(past perfect)

2.After john had washed (wash) his clothes, he began to study.(past perfect)

3.George had waited (wait) for one hour before the bus came.(past perfect)

4.Maria is entered (enter) the university after she had graduated from the community college.(simple past)

5.Jeanette had washed (wash) the pipettes after she had completed the experiment.(past perfect)

6.jane sent a letter to her university after she had received (receive) her scholarship check.(simple past)

7.After the stewardesses had served lunch to the passengers, that sat (sit) down.(simple past)

8.The car I had flipped  ten times before it landed on its roof.(past perfect)

9. We corrected our papers after we had taken (take) it the quiz.(simple past)

10.john  had lived (live) in Miami for one year when his parents came to visit.(simple past)

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