The relationship between the development of the universe and Islam



A. Understanding the Universe

     It is everything that exists that has a form that was created by Allah SWT as a place of life for all mankind. Nature is divided into two, namely the supernatural world and the real world (can be seen by the five human senses), which is also usually called the universe. The universe is God's creation which is managed according to God's will and God's will. God created the universe in a complex and orderly arrangement according to the principles of science that we know today. The definition of the universe or universe is everything that exists within humans (internal) and outside themselves which constitutes a unique and mysterious unified system. The real realm or often also called the physical realm because it is the realm that can be perceived by the human senses either by using tools or directly, in contrast to the supernatural realm which cannot be reached by the senses. The realm of shahadah can be divided into two, namely the universe (macrocosm) and the realm of zarrah (microcosm). And it can also be divided into vegetable, animal and human nature. The Koran describes the universe as a book compiled by a wise being, where every line and word is a sign of the wisdom of the author.

B. The process of creating the universe

     In the Koran, the universe was created by Allah according to His will. In creating the universe or universe, Allah arranged it in an orderly and good manner, so that nature looks very beautiful to look at or look at. He created nature in biology, physics, geology and chemistry, and there are scientific rules in it, so that we can learn from nature, how nature has a unique and very mysterious value.

Pay attention to God's Word in surah Al-A'raf verse 54

Translation of the meaning: Indeed, your god is Allah who created the heavens and the earth in six ages, then he sat on the Throne. He closed the night to the day that followed quickly, and (also created) the sun, moon and stars (each -each) submit to his commands. Remember, creating and ruling is only Allah's right. Glory be to Allah, Lord of the Universe.

C. The Purpose of the Creation of the Universe

     Allah SWT created the universe with the aim of making His servants, both humans, jinn and angels, believe in Him and know that Allah exists. In essence, everything that exists or is created, whether living creatures or inanimate objects, real or unreal, everything belongs solely to Allah SWT and ultimately everything will return to Him. Whether directly or indirectly, all existing nature was created to submit and obey the laws and decrees of Allah SWT.

Pay attention to the words of Allah SWT in Surah Ar-Rahman Verse 13

     which means which of your God's favors are you denying?


1. Cosmology and Science Research

     The universe is a very broad and large plain, which contains various components that can surprise us, including things that are far from what we imagine. Modern cosmological theory was first put forward by Friedman in 1920 and we know it as the standard cosmological model today. The standard cosmological model generally starts with the principle of large scale numbers, a homogeneous and isotropic universe and scientists and observers are not in a special position in the universe.

     In 1929, a man named Edwin Hubble who worked at the Carniege Observatories in Pasadena, California measured the redshift of a number of distant galaxies. he also measured relative distances by measuring the apparent brightness of Cepheid variable stars in each galaxy. When plotting redshift against relative distance, Edwin Hubble discovered that the redshift of these distant galaxies increased in a linear function with distance. Distant galaxies in the universe are moving away from each other, giving the impression that the universe is not fixed (stable) but expanding.

     Current observations of supernovae show that the universe is experiencing accelerated expansion, which is caused by the presence of dark energy. Unlike gravity which generally slows down development, dark energy actually accelerates development. So if indeed this dark energy plays an important role in the evolution of the universe, then it is likely that the universe will continue to expand exponentially forever.

 Figure : 2.2. History of the Universe and Inflation that Occurred in the Early Universe (Credit: CERN in Avivah Yamani 2009)

In the history of its development, there were several short periods when the universe was still around 1 minute old when protons and neutrons were synthesized into nuclei (helium, deuterium and lithium, along with single protons which formed hydrogen nuclei). Then electrons combined with nuclei to form atoms when the universe was about 370,000 years old. Currently, the universe or universe as we know it has become transparent and from the photon radiation released we can get information about the universe.

(development of the universe based on time)


1. Big Bang Theory

     The big explosion theory or what is commonly known as the big bang theory is the most popular theory and is widely believed to be true today. This theory was first proposed by Belgian cosmologist Abbe Georges Lemaitre in 1927. Lemaitre is also considered the first person to put forward the theory that the universe continues to expand.

     This theory explains that the universe originated from something super dense and hot which then exploded and expanded around 13.75 billion years ago to become the universe it is today.

2. Steady State Theory

     The steady state theory was proposed by H. Bondi, T. Gold, and F. Hoyle from Cambridge University in 1948. According to them, the universe has no beginning or end, the universe always looks the same as it does now. This theory assumes that the universe is infinite in size and age.

     Once popular at the beginning of the 20th century, now this theory has received a lot of rejection from physicists. The evidence that is considered to disprove the steady state theory is the microcosmic wave background radiation obtained from the big bang theory.

3. Fog Theory

     The fog theory, also known as the nebula theory, was first proposed by Emanuel Swedenborg in 1734 and refined by Immanuel Kant in 1775.

     In general, this theory explains the formation of the solar system from a giant ball of gas mist, then some material was released around the gas ball. Meanwhile, the main ball of gas is still large and hot to become the sun and the released material becomes solid and cool to form the planet.

4. Twin Star Theory

     This theory was put forward in the 1930s by an English astronomer R. A. Lyttleton. In this theory, it is explained that initially there were twin suns that revolved around each other. Then one of the suns was hit by a passing star and it shattered into smaller matter, but it still revolved around the sun, which was still intact. Over time, this material becomes a planet.

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