Activities to do in your 20s to be successful

   Hello friends, in this article, the author wants to provide a solution for friends who are confused about what activities or things to do when they are in their 20s, so that the things you want can quickly come true and your friends' lives will become more productive, so do it. The activities that the author recommends are below:

A. Always Learn and Develop Skills

   The first activity you can do when you enter your 20s is to always learn and develop skills which are one of the main foundations for a brighter life. The world is constantly changing, time is passing and adaptation is key.

   It could be that dreams are just dreams or come true, so start your day in your 20s with the enthusiasm to learn and develop the skills you have. Take advantage of various educational opportunities, from online courses, workshops, to attending seminars so that you can develop further.

B. Create a business or job opportunity

   When you are in your 20s, building a business or creating jobs is a brave step you can take, because at this age you don't need to be afraid of failure, because there is still plenty of time to keep trying again. Besides that, there are not many dependents, so you can only focus on yourself and this is the right time to build a brighter future.

   Apart from that, experience will not only provide deep insight into the world of business, but also hone leadership and entrepreneurial skills. Starting a business at a young age can provide a solid foundation for achieving financial and professional success in the future. Good luck and always success for you.

C. Trying New Things

   The third activity is trying new things, because at this age there is so much free time, there is a saying from my teacher that "if you want to be successful and try something, do it when you are young or before you get married because when you are married or old, consider doing an activity. there will be so many”, for example, when we are married or old, it will be difficult for us to find free time, because a lot of our time is spent on our children and wife.

   Therefore, while you are still young in your 20s, please try various things that you like and want to do. And don't hesitate to get out of your comfort zone and explore diversity. Through this exploration, you will not only discover new interests and talents, but also develop character and mental toughness are essential for achieving success.

D. Money and Time Management

  The fourth activity is money and time management, at this stage it is very important and crucial because many people already have jobs but are confused about where their money is spent and the time they spend. So for you, learn to manage money and time properly. Money can't buy everything, but everything needs money.

  Apart from that, good time management will ensure that every activity you do has a positive and productive impact. Prioritize tasks, organize your schedule well, and learn the art of delegation to maximize efficiency.


   Times will always develop even if you stay in place, so continue to develop forward with the path you choose, continue to achieve your dreams and make the people around you happy, especially your family. For this reason, start continuing to learn and develop skills, create a business or job opportunity, try new things, and manage time. Maybe this is what we can convey, if you have questions or have anything you want to add, you can leave it in the comments column.


1. What fears did you feel when you were in your 20s?

  Fears commonly felt by people in their 20s are worries about the certainty of the future, parents' expectations, social relationship problems and so on

2. If everything you do fails, what is the solution?

  If everything you do fails, the solution may involve re-evaluating the activities carried out by understanding the cause of the failure and seeing whether there are aspects that can be improved. It may require help from others, a change in approach, or adjustments to goals to make them more realistic.

3. If you don't have a goal in your 20s, what's the solution?

   If you don't have a goal when you are in your 20s, the solution can start with self-introspection. Find out your interests, values and talents so you can find a clearer direction. Our advice is to often participate in discussions either with friends or older people, so that the experiences they have can become learning material for you.


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