How to Control Emotions: 4 Effective Steps

  Hello friends, many events that occur in life are beyond our control as humans, so there are many things that the heart doesn't want so that ultimately heartache causes emotions to emerge. Therefore, it is necessary to control emotions wisely. How to control emotions is an important skill for managing emotional reactions that arise in various situations.

In this article the author will discuss steps to control emotions:

1. Hold back (do nothing) for 15 seconds

  This first step teaches a person to act reflectively rather than reacting instinctively to emotionally arousing situations. Holding still for fifteen seconds gives you time to calm down before acting or responding emotionally. When a person has the ability to exercise restraint, they have the opportunity to consider the consequences of what they are about to do and make better choices in response. If you jump out right away, it will have a negative impact, so this may prevent you from taking action. A saying goes, "Don't make promises when you're happy and make decisions when you're angry.”

2. Take ablution water

  The second step, for those who are Muslim, is to take ablution water. This can help a person calm down. In this process, you should wash your face, hands, arms, head and feet. In addition to cleansing oneself physically, this act can also help distract a person from the emotions they are experiencing, give them a chance to reflect, and help them prepare for a spiritual connection.

3. Breathing Exercises

  The third breathing method is an effective way to manage emotions. Focusing on deep, regular breathing, such as deep breathing, slow breathing, or breathing meditation, can calm the body and mind, reducing excessive emotional responses. By directly regulating our breathing we also regulate our emotions, and the body becomes more relaxed.

4. Let go by screaming as loud as possible (rather than letting out emotions)

  Step four: You can reduce emotional stress by screaming or releasing your emotions out loud. This doesn't mean taking out negative emotions on others; better, you do it in the right place, such as a place that doesn't disturb other people or safe activities. Yelling for short periods of time can help release tension and relieve emotions, all without disturbing others or yourself.


  Emotional control is a process that involves various techniques to manage emotional responses from within various perceived situations. Key steps in controlling emotions include the ability to hold oneself for a few seconds before reacting, using spiritual practices such as taking ablution to calm down and reflect, and engaging in breathing techniques that help calm the mind and body. In addition, releasing emotions in a safe way, such as screaming in an appropriate space, can help release emotional stress without harming others or yourself. A combination of these techniques can help a person manage emotions more effectively, allowing for a more calm and controlled response in challenging situations.


1) Why is it important to control emotions?

Answer: very important because controlling emotions helps in maintaining healthy interpersonal relationships, improves mental well-being, and allows for better decision making.

2) Why is it important to communicate effectively when managing emotions?

Answer: because communicating effectively helps in expressing feelings in a healthy manner, avoids unnecessary conflict, and allows for mutual understanding between the individuals involved.

3) How to develop long-term strategies to control emotions?

Answer: how to develop healthy habits such as regular exercise, getting enough sleep, practicing relaxation techniques, and exploring therapy or counseling as a way to strengthen management abilities.


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