How to overcome worry about the future

   Hello friends, right now, especially for those of you who are still preparing for the future, there is definitely a feeling of worry, what do I want to be in the future? Where will I work? Am I successful or not? These questions will always arise in our minds, making us worry about the future. For this reason, the author provides recommendations through this article on how to overcome worry about the future.

A. Be confident

  The first way that the author recommends is to develop self-confidence in what you have, because a lot of worry arises because we lack confidence in our abilities.

   For example, take part in a competition, of course we make preparations to face the competition, but when the competition starts we lack confidence in our abilities and in the end we fail to win the competition. And with self-confidence we will be better able to face challenges and make better decisions.

B. Increase your skills

   The second way that the author recommends is to improve and expand skills. By increasing your skills, friends will be better prepared to face the uncertainty of the future which is always changing, therefore with these skills we can survive in facing all the problems that will arise, so that the feeling of worry will disappear.

C. Increase Relationships

   The third way you can do this is by expanding your social relationships by interacting frequently with neighbors, old friends, school friends, joining the community and volunteering. So that in this way you will be easily recognized well, we also recommend that you often help other people, there is an expression that says today we help other people, someday we are helped by other people, today we are in trouble, someday we will be rich. So what you plant today will produce results in the future. By increasing relationships, more people will pay attention to us.

D. Trust and keep trying

   The fourth way is to live life with full effort and trust, which is an important principle in facing an uncertain future. Despite making maximum efforts to plan and achieve goals, we also need to accept the fact that not everything can be controlled. Relying on God while undertaking serious endeavors can provide inner peace.

E. Learn from other people's mistakes

   The fifth way that the author recommends is to learn from other people's mistakes. In this way we can minimize mistakes in the future when facing the same problem. Apart from that, we can learn many things about that person's mistakes so that we can look for other ways or other solutions to what we are experiencing/feeling at the moment.


   Worry is a human thing that arises in everyone, especially for the future which is currently changing, for this reason we as writers provide a solution that can overcome this feeling of worry, namely by growing self-confidence in what you have, increasing your skills, increase relationships, trust and keep trying and.

Also read: Start a Small Business from Home with 10 Interesting Ideas!


1. What causes anxiety about the future?

  The causes of anxiety about the future can vary greatly and are influenced by factors such as uncertainty, changes in personal or professional life, social expectations, financial problems, etc. Anxiety can arise due to uncertainty about things that have not happened or worry about bad possibilities.

2. How can worry affect a person's mental and emotional well-being?

   Anxiety can affect a person's mental and emotional health by causing chronic stress. Prolonged stress can contribute to mental disorders such as anxiety and depression. Additionally, excessive worry can interfere with concentration, sleep, and judgment, leading to a decrease in overall quality of life.

3. Can worrying about the future have a negative impact on physical health?

  Yes, worrying about the future can have a negative impact on your physical health. Chronic stress caused by anxiety can increase the risk of heart disease, weaken the immune system, and cause other health problems. Prolonged stress can also contribute to sleep problems, digestive problems, and other health problems.

4. How to support someone who experiences excessive worry about the future?

   To support someone who is overly worried about the future, you can do the following: - Listen with empathy and without judgment.

  – Show your support and don't underestimate the seriousness of his feelings.

  - Help them identify and solve real solvable problems.

  - Recommend seeking professional help if their concerns have a serious impact on daily life.

  - Encourage them to participate in fun or relaxing activities to relieve stress.

  - Remind them that they are not alone and there are resources that can help them


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