How to Practice Public Speaking Correctly

   Hello Friends, Public speaking, or public speaking, is an important skill that, with the right practice, anyone can master. The ability to speak clearly and confidently in front of people is very important, both at work and in everyday life.

Therefore, the author in this article will discuss the steps for practicing correct public speaking:

1. Thorough preparation

   Prepared material before speaking in public is very important to communicate well. Understanding and studying a topic thoroughly provides the confidence needed to convey information effectively. Crafting a presentation that flows well, guiding the audience through the content in a clear and engaging way, will depend on the main points that have been made. With careful preparation, one can ensure that the message conveyed has a strong and effective impact on the listener.

2. Repeated practice

  Repeated presentation practice is the second step in improving your public speaking skills. This exercise can help you better understand the topic you are going to cover and reduce any anxiety you may be experiencing. Consistent practice can also help refine the flow of the presentation and adjust the emphasis of words as needed to convey the message more precisely.

   Repeated presentation practice allows for improvement and improvement in the overall quality of the presentation. With practice, you can become more confident, make your presentations more natural, and improve your ability to convey concepts more clearly and effectively to an audience. Continuous practice is important to improve your public speaking skills. This is necessary to deliver the presentation with confidence and have a greater effect on the listeners.

3. Record and Evaluate

   Recording your presentation is the third step in improving your public speaking skills. By looking back at the recording, we can assess the body gestures, voice intonation, and facial expressions used when speaking. This process helps find problems or areas that need improvement, which in turn improves the overall presentation.

   Self-recording during exercise provides an objective viewpoint that is important for self-monitoring and improvement. Looking back at your own performance allows you to gain valuable insight into how messages are conveyed visually and vocally, allowing you to adjust your communication style, correct your shortcomings, and enhance your strengths. It is possible to increase self-confidence, improve the quality of presentations, and influence the audience more effectively through this evaluation.

4. Practice in Front of Others

   Inviting friends, family, or colleagues to be your practice audience is the fourth step in improving your public speaking skills. Receiving direct feedback from them helps you adapt to other people's responses and gradually become more confident when presenting the material.

   Inviting others to listen during practice provides an opportunity to experience speaking in front of a group of people in a more realistic way. Audience responses, comments, and responses help understand how others convey and receive messages. By receiving this immediate feedback, you can adjust your speaking style, discover areas that need improvement, and overall improve your presentation.


  Proper public speaking practice requires careful preparation, repeated practice, self-evaluation through recordings, and practicing in front of other people to improve your public speaking skills. Regular and focused public speaking practice is the key to significantly improving your public speaking skills. With patience and dedication in honing these skills, a person can become a confident and effective speaker.


1. Why is material preparation very important in public speaking?

Preparation of material is very important because it helps the speaker become more familiar with the topic to be presented, allows creating a clear presentation flow, and reduces anxiety when speaking in public

2. Why is it important to record and evaluate a rehearsed presentation?

Recording a rehearsed presentation makes it possible to evaluate body gestures, voice intonation and facial expressions. This helps identify weaknesses that need to be corrected to improve the quality of the presentation

3. Why can practicing in front of others help improve your public speaking skills?

Practicing in front of other people provides real experience in dealing with an audience. Their direct feedback helps improve certain aspects and builds confidence in public speaking.


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