Improving Focus While Working or Studying: 6 Effective Steps

   Hello friends, when we carry out an activity, whether at work or studying, sometimes we encounter difficulties, one of which is a lack of focus in doing this. Focus is the main key to achieving success, focus means you do something without anyone influencing you. Therefore, the author in this article will discuss things that can increase focus when working or studying in 5 effective steps.

A. Determine strong goals that you want to achieve

   The first step that the author recommends is to determine a strong goal that you want to achieve, with a strong goal we will not be easily distracted by anything. Because by having strong goals, when we are not working or studying we will remember that there are goals that must be achieved.

B. Avoid Distractions

  The second step is to avoid all distractions, which can cause loss of focus on the activities we are doing. Here you first identify factors that can distract you, such as cell phones, social media, or noisy environments. Try to avoid or minimize interaction with these distractions while you are working or studying.

C. Create a Comfortable Environment

  The third step is to create a comfortable environment for studying or working. Look for a place that suits your wishes, such as a cool, calm, clean and tidy environment. Having an environment that you like will create good feelings within you, making you comfortable in carrying out activities.

D. Determine your learning or work style

  The fourth step is to find your learning style. Every individual has a different learning style. Some prefer to learn through visualization, while others do better with an auditive or hands-on approach. Learning or work styles here are techniques that you can use to increase your enthusiasm for studying or working. For example, you like to study in the morning, there are also those who like it in the evening, then there are also others who like to study or work accompanied by music. These are all called learning styles.

E. Keep doing it, even a little at a time

   The fifth step is to do something a little better than all at once, but after that don't work or study anymore. If this step is carried out it will create consistency in work or study. Consistency is key in maintaining focus. Even though it feels difficult, keep working on the assignments or material you are studying, even if only little by little. Don't let tiredness or busyness stop you, A little progress every day can lead to big results.

F. Get enough rest

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   The sixth step is to get enough rest. When the body is tired and feels sleepy, our focus will be lost and the activities we do will be ineffective and may fail.


   Everyone's level of focus is different, some people focus easily, some don't. For example, even though there are distractions, the person will not easily lose focus, whereas for others, even if the distraction is small, they can lose focus. For this reason, the author recommends 6 effective steps, namely setting goals, avoiding distractions, a comfortable environment, learning or working style, consistency, and adequate rest. Which may increase focus for readers of this article.


1. Why is focus when working or studying important?

   Focusing when working or studying is important because with focus we will quickly solve existing problems, quickly understand the material being studied and the errors that arise will be minimized.

2. What causes us to lose focus when studying or working?

  Due to disturbances around us, for example telephones, loud noises, bright lights, unwanted movements and so on. Loss of focus can also be caused from within oneself, for example feeling bad, feeling hungry and not getting enough rest.

3. If everything you do to focus doesn't work, is there another solution?

   The final way is to remember family, the hopes of those who want you to succeed. Apart from that, also remember the bleak future, remembering these two things will foster enthusiasm in you to continue to focus on studying or working.


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