Inter-Religious Conflict and how to avoid it (Islam, Christianity, Catholicism, Judaism, Buddhism, Hinduism and Confucianism)


   Hello dear friends, in this article we will discuss inter-religious conflict and how to resolve it. The development of today's era is very rapid, starting from what was previously all manual, now changing to digital, so that it also indirectly affects social life, one of which is religion.

   This conflict is usually the result of the fast rate of communication via social media such as Facebook, YouTube, Twitter and others, but is not accompanied by anticipation by the community itself regarding the news circulating, one of which is hoax news (lies) which divides religious communities, both namely Islam, Christianity, Catholicism, Judaism, Buddhism, Hinduism and Confucianism

For this reason, the author will provide information to avoid this conflict, including the following :

A. Tolerance between religious communities

   The first way to avoid conflict between religious communities is through mutual tolerance. Tolerance is an attitude of mutual respect, respect and acceptance of all differences in religious beliefs, whether between individuals, individuals and groups or groups and groups. By being tolerant between religious communities, we will create a comfortable and safe atmosphere, so that religious practices can run well and smoothly.

   Tolerance also teaches that every individual or group has the right to choose the religion they worship, without interference from any party. Because every human being has human rights, whether regulated by religion or state. By being tolerant our lives will also be more colorful because diversity creates beauty.

B. Expanding insight into religious literacy

   The second way that can be done is to broaden the horizons of religious literacy. Expanding insight into religious literacy is a way to increase understanding and knowledge regarding religions in the world. This religious literacy includes what the religion is, its history, books, practices and religious procedures. By knowing this, we can filter out fake news or hoaxes that can divide religions, from the intervention of certain individuals.

  Indirectly, religious literacy can help reduce misunderstanding, prejudice and conflict related to religion. In addition, religious literacy can improve a person's ability to interact with people from various religious backgrounds in a more inclusive and respectful way.

C. Strengthening the ties of brotherhood between religious communities

   The third way is to strengthen ties of brotherhood between religious communities. Strengthening ties of brotherhood between religious communities is an effort to build close and positive relationships between individuals or groups who have different religious beliefs. The main aim of this effort is to create a comfortable social environment through mutual understanding, tolerance and cooperation between followers of different religions.

D. Assuming all humans are the same

  The fourth way is to consider all humans the same, meaning that we do not differentiate between humans based on race, religion, gender, background or social status in society. This view makes us human beings who respect and respect other people because all human beings are equal and the same. What differentiates them is their religion and level of belief in the god they worship.

   However, it is important to remember that although everyone is considered to have the same values, this does not mean that all people are similar in every way. Respect for the diversity of individuals and groups remains an integral part of this outlook.

   This view reflects fundamental principles of human rights and is the basis for many legal systems and societal values that respect human dignity. Considering all humans as equal is the foundation for building a just, inclusive and harmonious society.

E. Filter circulating information that could cause conflict.

   The fifth way is by not easily accepting the information circulating, we have to check the truth of the information we get, because many conflicts occur due to incorrect information, for this reason we have to be clever at sorting out which information is true or false, so that conflict can be avoided.


   Conflict may occur without us planning it or not, but when it happens it will have various negative impacts, for this reason we must prevent it because it is better to avoid than to cure, and hopefully we will all be safe and healthy.


1. Why is tolerance between religious communities important?

  Because by being tolerant we will accept and respect existing differences, whether they are of the same religion as us or of different religions. By being tolerant, life becomes comfortable to live because there are no enemies. It's like 1000 friends are less and one enemy is a lot.

2. What impacts arise as a result of conflict between religious communities?

  The impacts include loss of life, damage to buildings (facilities) and human psychology. Apart from that, it can lead to revenge that will continue for the next generation.

3. If a religious conflict has occurred, what are the ways to resolve it?

  Overcoming religious conflict requires patience, collaboration and long-term commitment from all parties involved. This approach must cover multiple levels, from the local to the international level, to achieve sustainable results.


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