personal branding : creating A strong professional image

  Hello friends, currently personal branding has become an important component in the world of business and careers. Why is that? Because it's not just about how others see us; it's more about how we want the world to see us. Therefore, the author will discuss personal branding in this article.

A. Understanding Personal Branding

  Basically, personal branding is about being authentic, consistent, and transparent when presenting yourself to others. It's not just about building and policing one's own image, which is often associated with an inauthentic appearance.

B. Personal Branding Goals

  Personal branding aims to build trust, credibility and opportunities. Whether business people or employees, having employees who have strong branding can really help them succeed.

1. Business people: Strong personal branding makes business promotion easier.

2. Employees: Strong personal branding can help employees advance in the workplace. When people know and believe in your personal image, they are more likely to support or buy the goods or services you offer. With a strong and respected professional image, you are more likely to get promotions, interesting projects, or recognition for your work.

C. Difference Between Personal Branding and Imaging

   Imagery is usually associated with someone's attempt to give a false impression or deceive others. Personal branding, on the other hand, focuses on how we want to be seen by others; branding, on the other hand, is a way to present ourselves authentically, build a good reputation, and communicate our values.

D. How to Build Personal Branding on Social Media

1. Determine What You Want to Convey: Start by writing down the main message you want to convey. Is it your values, personal experiences, or professional abilities that you want to share.

2. Finding the Right Channel: Choose a social media platform that suits your audience and personal branding goals. Whether it's LinkedIn for professionalism, Instagram for visuals, or Twitter for quick thoughts.

3. Consistency in Sharing Content: Displaying content must be consistent with the main message you want to convey. You need to be active, responsive and engaged with your audience.


By building good personal branding, we will be easily recognized by other people. So when we look for work it will be easier and even the money itself will look for us because we are known to be professionals in the field we are working in.


1. What is personal branding?

  Personal branding is the process of building a person's personal image and reputation as a unique brand and distinguishing them from others. This process involves using strategies to identify, develop, and promote the characteristics, skills, values, and experiences that make a person different and stand out in a particular industry or field.

2. Who and when did personal branding start?

   In other words, we and we start from today, or even now. Unlike the history of personal branding, the concept of personal branding does not have a clear starting point. On the other hand, it can be said that the formation of personal identity for branding purposes has been around for a long time. Since the early 1990s, renowned business writer Tom Peters mentioned the concept of "The Brand Called You" in an article in Fast Company magazine, personal branding has increasingly become a concern in the modern world.

3. How to attract the audience to be interested in our personal branding?

   To attract the attention of the audience to our personal branding, several steps can be taken: - Know your audience: know who your target audience is, what they need, and how you can provide additional value to them. - Define your unique value: discover the skills, values and experiences that make you unique. - Consistent and authentic: Make sure your message aligns with your values and traits. Don't try to be someone else; instead, highlight the best side of yourself.. - Use the right platforms: Choose platforms that suit your audience, whether it's social media, blogs, conferences, or other platforms - Share valuable content: Share content that is informative, useful, or inspiring that are relevant to your field or industry. - Build relationships: Actively engage with your audience, respond to questions or comments, and build authentic relationships with them.


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