The relationship between Islam and science, the concept of science, ontology in Islam and Islamic philosophy

   The relationship between Islam and science, the concept of science, ontology in Islam and Islamic philosophy

A. The relationship between Islam and science 

   is very closely related in everyday life, such as the expression that says "religion without science is lame and science without religion is blind (al-ghazali)", this indicates that the two complement each other and cannot be separated from each other as scientific explanation regarding the IVF program for humans, whether it is in accordance with the Islamic religion or vice versa.

B. As for the meaning of the concept of science 

   that is, science comes from Arabic, namely "ilm", and from English "science" which means to know or know or understand, while according to the term science is systematic or scientific knowledge, there are 2 concepts of science, namely: 1. Textual (writing) and 2. contextual (state). Philosophy is a term from Arabic which is related to the Greek language, namely "philosophia", which is divided into two words: "philos" (love) or philia (friendship, interest in) and "shopia" (wisdom, wisdom, knowledge, skills, practical experience, intelligence). Philosophy of science is an investigation into the characteristics of scientific knowledge and ways to obtain that knowledge, philosophy of science studies the basics of philosophy, assumptions, implications from science and regarding the nature of science, there are two concepts from the philosophy of science, namely empiricism and falsibility. Philosophy of religion is a philosophical investigation of the main themes and concepts in religious traditions. This philosophy is related to other branches of philosophy such as metaphysics, epistemology and ethics .

C. Ontology in Islam comes from the Greek

   word "ontos" which means "to exist". According to the term ontology is the science of nature which investigates the real world and what the actual situation is. As for its relation to Islamic law, ontology tries to explain the origins (essence) of Islamic law itself. Epistemology in Islam comes from the Greek, namely "logia" (knowledge) and "episteme" meaning about knowledge. Epistemology is a science that discusses in depth the entire process of constructing correct knowledge. Meanwhile, Islamic legal epistemology refers to to efforts to understand Islam correctly through the correct learning process. The definition of axiology in Islam comes from the word "Axios" which means "useful", axiology is a science that investigates the nature of values from a philosophical perspective. Axiology in Islam is the study regarding religious knowledge in Islam.

D. The definition of Islamic philosophy 

   is thinking that was born from the Islamic world to answer the challenges of the times related to God, the universe, revelation, reason, religion and philosophy. Meanwhile, the definition of philosophy of science is a field of science that studies the basis of philosophy, assumptions and implications of science which include natural science and social science. Meanwhile, the relationship between the two is that Islamic philosophy focuses on the world of Islam, while the philosophy of science focuses more on the world of science (knowledge), both of which are very close and are very difficult to separate because they complement each other.


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