The Relationship between Watermelon and the State of Palestine

     Watermelon has become a symbol of Palestinian strength and determination in the face of the long-raging conflict with Israel. For years, Palestinians have attracted world attention with their struggle for independence and international recognition. Therefore, watermelon has become a powerful symbol, representing the spirit of resistance and a strong identity for the Palestinian people.

There are several connections between watermelon and the state of Palestine, namely:

A. Colors of the Palestinian Flag

   The Palestinian flag, which consists of three colors, namely black, white and green, has a deep meaning. The green color on the Palestinian flag symbolizes the richness of the Palestinian land, especially the fertile watermelon fields. Watermelon is not just a sign of natural fertility, but is also a powerful symbol for Palestine. Its association with the Palestinian flag, which also has red, white, and black, reflects the deep connection between the land of Palestine and the watermelon. Quoted from the Al-Jazeera page, watermelon is a fruit that represents Palestine. It has the same colors as the Palestinian flag, namely red, green, white and black. Therefore, this watermelon illustration or symbol is often used to protest Israel's oppression of the Palestinian flag and identity.

    Accidentally, the activists discovered that the watermelon slices had similar colors and motifs to the Palestinian flag, with a combination of red, white, green and black. This sparked their idea to adopt watermelon as a symbol in their struggle. Before 1993, the use of the Palestinian flag was prohibited by Israel. This ban was only lifted within the framework of the Oslo Accords, which aimed to end the long-standing conflict between Israel and the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO). This agreement is the first official step to resolve the conflict that has been going on for years. The flag also reflects the Palestinian Authority, which is responsible for administering Gaza and the West Bank.

B. Watermelon as a Symbol of Fertility

   Watermelon, a fruit that has long grown abundantly in the Middle East, has been a favorite dish in areas south of Gaza for centuries. Locals often enjoy fatet ajer, a dish consisting of fresh watermelon, eggplant, peppers and tomatoes grilled and boiled, then served on flatbread with a touch of olive oil, an essential Palestinian food ingredient.

    More than just food, watermelon is also known as a symbol of fertility and abundance. In a harsh and conflict-ridden land like Palestine, watermelon is a symbol of hope and perseverance. Like watermelon trees that continue to thrive despite facing difficult conditions, the Palestinian people also show an unwavering spirit of resistance in the face of pressure and challenges.

C. Historical and Cultural Relations

    Although there is no definite consensus regarding the origins of the use of watermelon as a symbol of support for Palestine, some sources indicate that it has been adopted as a symbol showing solidarity with Palestine, especially in the face of Israeli attempts to annex or annex the territory. Watermelon is not just a symbol of fertility; it also has roots in rich Palestinian history and culture. Various Palestinian traditions and folklore are closely linked to the watermelon, creating strong ties between this fruit and Palestinian identity. In addition, watermelon also plays an important role in traditional Palestinian dishes, such as watermelon salad, reflecting the importance of this fruit in their culinary heritage.

    Watermelon, a fruit that grows abundantly in Palestinian land, has become a strong symbol of culture and identity for the Palestinian people, a symbol of resilience in the face of Israeli colonialism. After the Six Day War in 1967, Israel strictly prohibited the use of the Palestinian flag. Even just an attempt to raise it can result in arrest and be considered a crime.

D. Symbol of Solidarity

   Not only that, watermelon has now become an icon that unites global support for the Palestinian people. Across the world, Palestinian solidarity movements use watermelon images in their posters, banners and art to express their solidarity with the Palestinian cause. This watermelon symbol plays an important role in reminding the whole world of the situation facing the Palestinian people and their determination to achieve independence.


  Watermelon contains deep symbolism in the Palestinian context. This fruit reflects the fertility, resilience and strong spirit of resistance of the Palestinian people. Additionally, watermelon reflects the close historical and cultural connection with Palestine, and is a sign of sincere support for their cause. In many ways, watermelon has become a symbol of hope for the Palestinian people in their quest for independence and peace in the land they love.

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